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dc.contributor.authorMartins, Andressa Corrente
dc.contributor.authorMonobi, Felipe Minoru Costa
dc.contributor.authorRoberto, Julia Maneses
dc.contributor.authorLyra, Pedro Henrique Cerento de
dc.contributor.authorSouza, Gustavo Fernandes de
dc.identifier.citationSymp. Internet Things, SIoT
dc.description.abstractThe present work is dedicated to exploring the potential of Internet of Things (IoT) technology with the aim of promoting a novel application within the realm of civil engineering. Specifically, the research aims to demonstrate the development of a system enabling continuous real-time monitoring of essential structural parameters. Traditionally, the detection of damages and structural failures relied on periodic visual inspections and manual analyses, leading to reactive responses and delayed diagnoses. In contrast, the proposed IoT-based system offers the capability to collect real-time data, enabling early anomaly detection, prediction of potential failures, and informed decision-making regarding maintenance and repairs. The article elucidates the design and implementation of the system, highlighting the integration of sensors, wireless communication devices, and data analysis and processing algorithms, while also presenting test results that showcase the system's effectiveness in detecting subtle changes in critical structural parameters in a controlled environment. © 2023 IEEE.en
dc.publisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.en
dc.relation.ispartof2023 Symposium on Internet of Things, SIoT 2023
dc.relation.haspart2023 Symposium on Internet of Things, SIoT 2023
dc.rightsAcesso Restrito
dc.subjectInternet of Things (IoT)en
dc.subjectReal-time Detectionen
dc.subjectStructural Monitoringen
dc.subjectAnomaly detectionen
dc.subjectDamage detectionen
dc.subjectData handlingen
dc.subjectDecision makingen
dc.subjectFailure (mechanical)en
dc.subjectFracture mechanicsen
dc.subjectSignal detectionen
dc.subjectDamage failuresen
dc.subjectInternet of thingen
dc.subjectInternet of things technologiesen
dc.subjectMonitoring systemen
dc.subjectNovel applicationsen
dc.subjectParameter monitoringen
dc.subjectReal time monitoringen
dc.subjectReal-time detectionen
dc.subjectStructural monitoringen
dc.subjectStructural parameteren
dc.subjectInternet of thingsen
dc.titleDevelopment of an IoT-based Structural Parameter Monitoring Systemen
dc.typeTrabalho apresentado em eventopt_BR
dc.description.affiliationMauá Institute of Technology, Control and Automation Engineering, São Caetano do Sul, Brazil
dc.description.affiliationMaua Institute of Technology, Civil Engineering, Sao Caetano do Sul, Brazil

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