BIM applied to budgeting and quantification for design building companies in Brazil
Among the activities of budgeting, quantification is the most manual one, slow and subjected to errors. Errors of quantification may compromise not only the budgeting but also the planning and control of the enterprise. The applications BIM most used by design and building companies (DBC) in Brazil do not provide, in the way in which they are many times used, the quantities needed and enough for budgeting. This paper has as its goal to show the limitations mentioned and propose use alternatives using BIM, aiming to overcome them, increasing the degree of quantification automation in the reality of DBC companies in Brazil. For that, a general conceptualization of budgeting and quantification was made. A case study illustrating usual BIM for design, quantifying the limitations pointed, and the improvements obtained with proposal to overcome them. Results of the work may contribute to widen the knowledge and continuation of researches on the subject. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.