Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Analytics voltado ao consumo de produtos varejo com uso de inteligência artificial aplicada (Trabalho de conclusão de curso)
The organization and display of products on shelves is a common method used by markets, stores, pharmacies, and various other sectors. However, the arrangement of these items requires constant updates that can impact product ...
Análise preditiva esportiva com ênfase para o futebol usando técnicas de ciência de dados e inteligência artificial (Trabalho de conclusão de curso)
The project focuses on developing a sports predictive analysis tool using Python and artificial intelligence, designed for clubs in the A, B, C, and D series of the Brazilian Championship. Aimed at benefiting clubs with ...
Visão Computacional aplicada : avaliando interesse e dinâmicas de pessoas em eventos (Trabalho de conclusão de curso)
This paper presents the development and application of a computer vision system for event monitoring and analysis, aiming to identify behavior and movement patterns of people in real-time, to optimize event management and ...
Aplicativo de gerenciamento de transporte escolar com IoT (Trabalho de conclusão de curso)
This work presents the development of a hybrid application for school transport management, aiming to enhance service safety and efficiency through real-time tracking, route optimization, and technological integration. The ...