Aplicação do inventário de avaliação pediátrica de incapacidade (PEDI) com crianças portadoras de paralisia cerebral tetraparesia espástica.
Application of pediatric evaluation disability inventory in children with cerebral palsy quadriplegic spastic
This study presents some data collected through Pediatric Evaluation Disability Inventory (PEDI), using a sample of children with spastic tetrapresis. The application in each child has been done twice within intervals from 12 to 24 months. Although the descriptive analysis has shown an average evolution between those applications, only in the self - care area the difference has proved meaningful (p < 0,005) while the mobility area has presented less progress. In this article, although with a reduced sample, the potential of this instrument as a parameter of evolution for these children will be discussed.
- Classification and Interventions for Cerebral Palsy
- Impact of Parenting Stress on Caregivers and Families
- Assistive Technology and Disabilities
- Classification and Interventions for Cerebral Palsy
- Psychiatry and Mental health
- Medicine
- Health Sciences
- Disability Assessment
- Medicine
- Psychology
- Humanities
- Philosophy
- Acesso Aberto