Viabilidade da aplicação do método respirométrico de Bartha para determinação da biodegradação de poluentes ou resíduos em latossolos
Viabilidade da aplicação do método respirométrico de Bartha para determinação da biodegradação de poluentes ou resíduos em latossolos;
Feasibility of application of Bartha's respirometric method to determine biodegradation of pollutants or wastes in latosoils
One of the major parameters that influence the feasibility of wing bioremediation in contaminated sites is the biodegradability of the compounds of concern. The Bartha's respirometric method, adapted from a Dutch norm, is a common method used in Brazil to determine such biodegradability. However, tropical soils present different characteristics as compared to soils from regions of temperate climate. In this research, its applicability was studied for a latosoil, which is the predominant soil type in São Paulo State, Brazil. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that abiotic reactions in latosoil generated carbonic gas in significant concentrations. Furthermore, this research verified the difficulty of sterilizing the soil, which would make it difficult to evaluate the removal of contaminants by other mechanisms or the biodegradation by exogenous microorganisms. Therefore, the application of Bartha's respirometric method is not recommended to determine the biodegradability of pollutants in latosoils.