Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Thermophilic and mesophilic anaerobic digestion of soybean molasses: A performance vs. stability trade-off  (Artigo de Periódico)

      Paulinetti, Ana Paula; Guerieri, Fernanda Furtunato; Augusto, Isabela Mehi Gaspari; Lazaro, Carolina Zampol; Albanez, Roberta; Lovato, Giovanna; Ratusznei, Suzana Maria; Rodrigues, José Alberto Domingues (Academic Press, 2024)
      One of the factors that has a direct impact on anaerobic digestion is the applied organic loading rate (OLRA). Increasing OLRA can boost methane production but can also cause process failure. As a result, establishing the ...