Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • The construction of the project evaluation concept in a team of teachers  (Trabalho apresentado em evento)

      Da Matta, Eduardo Nadaleto; Neto, Octavio Mattasoglio; Lima, Rui M.; Mesquita, Diana (University of Minho, 2018)
      The school is the setting where students seek knowledge. In turn, it is extremely important to measure the knowledge obtained, without that, there is no parameter to know the effectiveness of the work performed. It is ...
    • Formação de professor: Reflexões da educação matemática no ensino superior  (Artigo de Periódico)

      Bianchini, Barbara Lutaif; de Lima, Gabriel Loureiro; Gomes, Eloiza (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,Faculdade de Educacao, 2019)
      This paper maps the productions of the Mathematics tics Teachers Training generated by the Working Group on Mathematical Education in Higher Education, of the Brazilian Society of Mathematical Education. This investigation ...