Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Boundary-layers integral analysis - Airfoil icing  (Trabalho apresentado em evento)

      Stefanini, Luciano Martinez; De Mattos Silvares, Otávio; Da Silva, Guilherme Araújo Lima; De Jesus Zerbini, Euryale Jorge Godoy (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc., 2008)
      Various classic icing codes have been developed and used by the aircraft manufacturers to predict the ice shapes evolution in non-protected airfoil surfaces. These codes apply boundary layer integral analysis, based on ...
    • Boundary-layers integral analysis - Heated airfoils in icing conditions  (Trabalho apresentado em evento)

      Da Silva, Guilherme Araújo Lima; De Mattos Silvares, Otávio; De Jesus Zerbini, Euryale Jorge Godoy (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc., 2008)
      Under icing conditions, it is necessary to heat and control the temperature of the airfoil surface at leading edge region to prevent ice formation. The thermal anti-ice system balances mainly the evaporative cooling effects, ...
    • Differential boundary-layer analysis and runback water flow model applied to flow around airfoils with thermal anti-ice  (Trabalho apresentado em evento)

      Da Silva, Guilherme Araujo Lima; De Mattos Silvares, Otávio; De Jesus Zerbiniz, Euryale Jorge Godoy; Hefazi, Hamid; Chen, Hsun-Hu; Kaups, Kalle (2009)
      Certification regulations require safe flight under icing conditions, therefore, ice protection on aircraft wings and horizontal stabilizers will be necessary if critical aerodynamic performance degradation is to be avoided. ...
    • Heat transfer on iced cylinders  (Trabalho apresentado em evento)

      Stefanini, Luciano Martinez; Silvares, Otávio de Mattos; da Silva, Guilherme Araujo Lima; de jesus Zerbini, Euryale Jorge Godoy (AIAA International, 2010)
      The convective heat transfer is the main mechanism to remove the solidification enthalpy during glaze ice accretion. Most of the airfoil icing prediction codes use a heat transfer calculation procedure based on the classical ...