Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Criação de um serviço para auxílio de pessoas com sedentarismo  (Trabalho de conclusão de curso)

      Giglio, Guilherme Henrique de Souza; Silva, Rodrigo Ferreira da (2023)
      This work explores the growing problem of sedentarism, closely linked to various chronic diseases and with significant impacts on public health and workplace productivity. Exacerbated by modern lifestyles and technology, ...
    • Error Correction System Based on COTS Microcontrollers Working in Redundancy  (Trabalho apresentado em evento)

      Franca, Rodrigo M.; Marques, Erico L.; Da Silva, Tiago S.; Parro, Vanderlei C. (IEEE Computer Society, 2022)
      This paper presents the implementation, testing and analysis of an error detection and correction architecture for critical systems based on majority voting of several commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) microcontroller units ...
    • A ludicidade no design: um instrumento para a minimização da experiência traumática de crianças durante a vacinação  (Trabalho de conclusão de curso)

      Martins, Malu Carvalho; Sampaio, Rafaela Almeida; Matos, Rafael Belini Candido de; Santos, Luiz Henrique dos (2023)
      Vaccination is a highly debated topic due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus that emerged in 2019, leading to low vaccine coverage. The project recognizes the importance of vaccination for ...
    • A MoliZoft System Identification Approach of the Just Walk Data  (Trabalho apresentado em evento)

      dos Santos, P. Lopes; Freigoun, M.T.; Rivera, D.E.; Hekler, E.B.; Martín, C.A.; Romano, R.; Perdicoúlis, T.-P.; Ramos, J.A. (Elsevier B.V., 2017)
      A system identification approach is used estimate linear time invariant models from the data of physical activity gathered in the Just Walk intervention conducted by the Designing Health Lab and the Control Systems Laboratory ...