Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Modeling and experimental evaluation of pseudo-resistor's temperature dependence  (Artigo de Periódico)

      Pereira, Cleiton F.; Galeti, Milene; Testa, Beatriz B.; Benko, Pedro L.; Buhler, Rudolf T.; Lucchi, Julio C.; Giacomini, Renato C. (IOP Publishing Ltd, 2020)
      This work presents the experimental temperature dependence evaluation of the pseudo-resistor piecewise linear (PWL) macromodel, for temperature ranging from 300 to 333 K. The studied macromodel is based on the PWL methodology ...
    • Non-linear model for pseudo CMOS resistors addressing the recovery time in bio-amplifiers  (Artigo de Periódico)

      Pereira, Cleiton F; Galeti, Milene; Benko, Pedro L; Buhler, Rudolf T; Lucchi, Julio C; Giacomini, Renato C (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019)
      This work presents a new fast model, based on piecewise linear (PWL) methodology, for pseudo-resistors SPICE simulation, including the non-linear working range, fully supported by experimental data. SPICE simulations with ...