Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Comparative performance analysis for digital regulators in series DC motor controlled drive  (Artigo de Periódico)

      Rezek, A.J.J.; Pinheiro, C.A.M.; Darido, T.Y.T.; Da Silva, V.F.; Vicentini, O.H.S.; De O. Assis, W. (Acta Press, 2010)
      This paper purposes to make a comparative performance analysis between conventional digital regulators and digital ones by using fuzzy logic. For this purpose, a controlled DC drive has been used, in which load torque and ...
    • WebLab for control applications in engineering education  (Trabalho apresentado em evento)

      Wânderson de Oliveira Assis; Alessandra Dutra Coelho; José Carlos de Souza; Leo Kunigk; Aniel Silva de Morais; Gustavo Maciel Lemos; Estevão dos Santos Gedraite; Eduardo Kojy Takahashi; Rubens Gedraite (2013)
      This paper presents the use of a remote access laboratory, a WebLab, with real equipments and systems that can be controlled remotely by the web. At the approach, the WebLab allows the development of multidisciplinary ...
    • WebLabs: Remote access experiments for teaching process control in engineering courses  (Trabalho apresentado em evento)

      Wânderson de Oliveira Assis; Alessandra Dutra Coelho; Hugo da Silva Bernardes Goncalves (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020)
      This work presents an overview of projects using remote laboratories developed at Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia in order to serve as a tool for teaching process control in engineering courses including: 'WebLab for Speed ...